A Computer Science Curriculum for Kids

Setting Up Mac Environment

Step 0: Verify macOS Version

You must have macOS 10.15 or 11 installed. If you have an older version, you need to upgrade it (for free). To find your macOS version, click on the “Apple” icon on the top left of the screen, and then on “About this Mac”.

If at any point in the setup process below you are prompted to install Xcode or Rosetta, please do so. These tools are essential to make this setup work.

Step 1: Install Visual Studio Code

Install the latest version here and proceed with the default options for any choices you have.

Step 2: Install Python

We'll be using the Python programming language, version 3. You must install Python3. We suggest you do a fresh install even if you have an older python version available.

Go to It should give you a download specific to your machine. Be sure the download option's version number starts with 3.9 or 3.10. Once downloaded, click and install the package. Provide your Mac password, if necessary.

After the installation, a Finder window opens to the Python 3.9 applications. It contains two useful scripts we suggest you run: (a) Double-click on Install Certificates.command. This will be helpful in establishing secure connections. When it is finished, dismiss the window. (b) Double-click on Update Shell Profile.command. This will make sure this version of Python is the preferred version.

Step 3 (Optional): Install the EV3 Micropython Extension

If you plan on using a LEGO EV3 kit with python you will need to to install an extension on Visual Studio code. You can follow these instructions.

Step 4 (Optional): Install the SPIKE App

If you plan on using a LEGO SPIKE kit you can install the app directly from the Microsoft store here.