A Computer Science Curriculum for Kids
Dice Dancing: Have students do a dance move repeated by the number the die lands on
Simple Lego Example: Build a lego robot and write a program using a loop to have the robot drive in a square returning to its original position and orientation.
No robot? Do the same thing in scratch, replacing the robot with a sprite.
Lego Robot Maze: Build a lego robot and attach either an ultrasonic or force sensor to it. Set up a simple 3-4 turn maze and write a program including loops to have the robot navigate it. This will require the use of conditionals with the sensor so that the robot doesn't drive into a wall.
Vowels: Using a pre-written isVowel() function and a loop, print each vowel in a word.
def isVowel(char):
if (char in “aeiou”):
return True
return False
isVowel() takes a character (i.e. a single letter) as an argument and returns True if it is a vowel and false otherwise