A Computer Science Curriculum for Kids
Abstraction Story: Have the students write an essay about a certain topic or a topic of their choice, but with a word count limit. They should realize that they will need to omit certain details and keep only the ones that are essential to their description.
Abstraction Guessing Game: Sort students into pairs. Given a short amount of time, have one student draw an object of their choice. Then have the other student try to guess what the object is. Under time pressure, the students should understand that they only need to include the necessary attributes to make their object comprehensible.
Functions Singing: Take a song like “Baby Shark” that has a repeating chorus that changes with each iteration and explain how each chorus is essentially a new function call with a parameter(Mama, Baby, etc)
Making a Bio with Functions: Write python program that fills in the following template with information about you:
Hi! My name is ____.
I am ____ years old.
My favorite activity is ____.
And when I am older I want to be a ____.
Building Blocks: Write a python program that produces the following output:
+ # + # +
# + # + #
+ # + # +
# + # + #
+ # + # +
Lego: Take one of the programs the students have already completed with the Legos, like the one they made to go through a maze, have the students find chunks of repeated code and have them turn those chunks into functions.
Calculator: Create a simple program that serves as a simple calculator that takes in an integer, then an operand(+ − * /), then another integer. Have the students create a function for each operand.