A Computer Science Curriculum for Kids

Lesson 3: Algorithms

Unplugged Activites

  1. Using three flashlights, lamps, or phone flashlights, have three kids stimulate a logic gate. Two of them will be the “input” and whether they are on or not (true or false), and depending on what logical operator the teacher picks, the third lamp will be the output of that compound conditional.

  2. Have the kids practice logic operators using truth tables. Give them an expression like (not p) or (p and not q) and have them create a truth table. Have them use modularity to break down this intimidating compound conditional into smaller more manageable parts (p, not p, q, not q, …)

Plugged Activites

  1. Sprite Movement: Play around with sprites in Scratch with this pdf activity!

  2. Paired Sprite Movement Description I: Sit across from a partner so you cannot see each other’s screens. Spend some time writing a program that makes your sprite move around the screen. For instance, your sprite can spin around, move right and left, or up and down. Once you have finished your program, take turns with your partner describing your program to them. See how well they can recreate your program from your description.

  3. Shapes and Crystals Flowers Repetition: Play around with shapes and crystal flowers in Scratch with this pdf activity!

  4. SPIKE Essential: Complete the Taxi! Taxi! lesson (located in the Happy Traveler unit) to build a taxi and create an algorithm to and navigate it through a course.