A Computer Science Curriculum for Kids
Input and Output Examples: Have students share examples of input and output, either related to computer science or real life. Identify the input and output, and explain the process of how the output is produced.
Input and Output Table: For the input, roll a die, and for the output, have students do the corresponding action: (credit: Input and Outputs Unplugged Lesson, Sphero Little Bits Classroom)
Input (Die Roll) | Output (Action) |
1 | Say "Whoopie!" |
2 | Spin in a Circle |
3 | Run in Place |
4 | Clap Twice |
5 | Hop on One Foot |
6 | Stand Still |
Using variables like the time, whether you are hungry, and whether you have school to create a simulator of your everyday routine. The students should have at least two compound conditionals. For example if the time is less than 1000 (10:00) and hungry is true, print “time for breakfast”! Encourage the kids to get creative using integers, bools, and strings to represent states of the parts of their mornings.