Lego Robotics Camp
A Gentle Introduction to Python Programming

Welcome to Lego Robotics Camp!

In this camp, we will learn about the pillars of computational thinking, how computer scientists develop and analyze algorithms, and how solutions can be realized using Lego Mindstorms EV3 robots and the Python programming language.

Specifically, participants will be introduced to the following topics:

More importantly, we will think creatively and have fun! The high level goal of the camp is to provide a gentle introduction to programming, robotics, and computer science in a friendly and engaging environment.

Camp Logistics

Camp begins each day at 9am and end around 3:30pm. Participants should bring a laptop, lunch, snack, water bottle, and clothes for playing and swimming each day. Masks are required when indoors. Each day consists of a combination of unplugged (screen-free) activities in addition to programming lessons and assignments. An approximation of our daily schedule is as follows:

Required Software

All participants are required to bring a laptop running Windows 10 or MacOS configured with the required software (listed below). Lego kits will be provided.

Additional Resources

For reference, here are relevant and useful links to EV3 and Python resources:

Copyright © 2021 Jeannie Albrecht